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How To Update Software On Allview Wi7

Doing a software or system update on your Allview Wi7 is required to keep the phone secure and functioning smoothly. A software update provides the latest security patches and bug fixes for your Allview device. Also, recent Allview Wi7 Software versions run better than previous versions due to optimizations.

On recent Allview devices, AllUI software runs better than the older UI versions. Allview’s new Visual UI 1.0 update came along with the recent Android 10 update.

Let’s learn how to get the Allview Wi7 new update file and install it.

How To Update Software On Allview Wi7

1. To update your android version to the latest version on your Allview Wi7, unlock your phone and swipe up to access the App launcher.

2. Then find and open the Settings App.

3. After that scroll down and choose System options.

4. Then select the Software Update option. Or Search for Software Update on top of the Settings App Search Bar.

5. Then Click on Check Now for Updates option to check and download the latest Allview software using your mobile or Wifi data on Allview Wi7 as per the screenshot below.

6. If an Allview software update is available on Allview Wi7, you will be prompted to install the latest update or schedule it.

7. Now click on the Install Now button to start the update process. Your Allview Wi7 device will restart and the update will be completed.

Now your phone will be updated to the latest software with recent changes and security patches.

Software and firmware updates on your Allview Wi7 makes your device run smoother without any issues as device makers release updates that fix bugs and issues in the previous version. Also, camera performance might also improve in some android software updates.

Allview Wi7 Frequently Asked Questions:

How to fix Software update problem on Allview Wi7?

  1. To fix the software update problem try a soft restart of your Allview Wi7. Try downloading the software update firmware file from the Allview site support page here and install it directly.
  2. Transfer the zip file on the android root folder and restart the device to start the update process. Then tap on update notification to start the update.

How to update to Android 11 beta on Allview Wi7?

On your Allview Wi7 device, in order to update to android 11 beta register as a tester or developer on the Allview website, and then once the beta version is out you can download it on your device.

How to update to Android 11 (R) on Allview Wi7?

If Android 11 is made available on your Allview Wi7 you can check the software update section on your Settings app to update to the Android 11 or Android R Allview UI 1.0 version.

Also, let us know in the comments section below if you face any other issues while updating Allview Wi7.

Also, read our other tutorials for Allview Wi7 here on our website.

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