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Turn Off Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

Do you want to know how to Turn Off Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3? The Automatic Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider can be annoying sometimes because it shows a wallpaper with a story every time automatically when you see the lock screen. Let’s learn how to disable The Automatic changing Wallpaper slider on lock screen on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 in this tutorial.
With the latest release of Android Q (Xiaomi MIUI 10) or Android R (Xiaomi MIUI 11), there is an inbuilt Wallpaper Carousal Lock screen Slider on Xiaomi devices.

How to Disable Automatic Wallpaper Carousal Lock screen Slider on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3

Wallpaper Carousel is turned on by default when you setup your Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 device. Let’s learn how to turn off Wallpaper Carousal on Xiaomi Redmi Note Devices. This feature is also known as Glace for Mi which shows a collection of stories with wallpapers on the lock screen of the display. 1. Open the settings application on your phone by opening the notification panel and clicking on the Settings gear icon on the top right like in the screenshot below. 2. Now search for Wallpaper Carousal in the search option at the top of the settings page. 3. Now click on the Wallpaper Carousal Settings option. 4. Tap on the first toggle under Glance for Mi to turn off the Wallpaper Carousal as shown in the screenshot below. 5. Click on Skip button to confirm. 6. Now the Automatic Lock screen Wallpaper Carousal will be disabled on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 and won’t appear again on your home screen. For older Xiaomi devices, the inbuilt Wallpaper Carousal feature won’t be available.
Don’t forget to read other tutorials for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
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