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How to fix Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error on Windows

Notoriously referred to as the Blue Screen of Death Error, the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error can be fixed as well in most cases. Read below to learn how to do this in a few simple steps.

Fixing the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error on Windows

Above stated 3 are the usually associated error codes you get on the Blue screen. You can try the steps shown here to clear this error.

Method 1: Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter from Microsoft. You can find this in the Settings > Blue Screen > Find and fix other problems. You’ll need to apply the recommended fix and close the window. Or run this on the Microsoft website where a wizard will guide you through everything. You must restart the computer once you are through with all the troubleshooting steps.

Method 2: Resetting TCP/IP

Sometimes it so happens that the TCP/IP protocols get modified unintentionally and unknowingly over time while using the system. The Tcpip.sys file that gives this blue screen error is related to these protocols. Thus resetting them helps in some cases, give it a try!

Method 3: Updating the Network Card Drivers

Method 4: De-activating and uninstalling third party anti-viruses

This might feel silly or ridiculous at first, but sometimes disabling third party antiviruses is all that is to be done. If you installed some software of this sort recently, you must try this step as some brands cause this problem very often. To uninstall the antivirus and fix the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error follow the below steps

  1. Open the add or remove program by searching on the Windows search bar.
  2. Now search for the antivirus you have installed recently and click on it.
  3. Now click on Uninstall button to remove the installed antivirus program.
  4. Now restart your computer

Now the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error will be fixed.

Hope we helped you with our step by step tutorial!

Do let us know in the comments below if you are still facing the issue.

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