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What Is cmccore.exe? Is It A Virus Or Malware? Remove?

What is cmccore.exe?

cmccore.exe is an executable exe file which belongs to the CMC Internet Security Core process which comes along with the CMC Antivirus Software developed by CMC Information Security software developer.

If the cmccore.exe process running in the Windows Operating system is important, then you should be careful while deleting it. Sometimes cmccore.exe process might be using CPU or GPU too much. If it is malware or a virus, it might be running in the background without you knowing it.

The .exe extension of the cmccore.exe file specifies that it is an executable file for Windows Operating Systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Malware and viruses are also transmitted through exe files. So we must be sure before running any unknown executable file on our computers or laptops.

Now we will check if the cmccore.exe file is a virus or malware. Whether it should be deleted to keep your computer safe? Read more below.

Is cmccore.exe safe to run? Is it a virus or malware?

Let’s check the location of this exe file to determine whether this is legit software or a virus. The location of this file and dangerous rating is.

File Location / Rating: C:Program Files (x86)CMCAntivirus

To check whether the exe file is legit you can start the Task Manager. Then click on the columns field and add Verified Signer as one of the columns.

Now, look at the Verified Signer value for cmccore.exe process if it says “Unable to verify” then the file may be a virus.

File Name cmccore.exe
Software Developer CMC Information Security
File Type EXE
File Location C:Program Files (x86)CMCAntivirus
Software CMC Antivirus


Over All Ratings for cmccore.exe : 4/5

Next, check the developer of cmccore.exe. If the developer of the software is legitimate, then it is not a virus or malware. If the developer is not listed or seems suspicious, you can remove it using the uninstall program.

Based on our analysis, we have displayed our result of whether this exe file is a virus or malware below.

Is cmccore.exe A Virus or Malware: cmccore.exe .

How to check if cmccore.exe is a security issue?

We also recommend using the Security task manager application to find which processes are unwanted in your Windows computer and can be a security issue. Here is how you can find whether cmccore.exe is a security threat using the Security Task Manager application.

  1. Download the Security Task Manager application and install it on your computer.
  2. Run it as administrator. It will now show all the applications that are running on your computer.
  3. Now it will show the Rating, file location, company, and product name for each process.
  4. Now click on the rating column to sort based on ratings.
  5. You will now see which process has the worst rating easily so can decide cmccore.exe is given a bad rating or not easily.
  6. You will also find whether the cmccore.exe process is important or not with this feature. Here is a screenshot of the software running on our Windows computer.

How To Remove or Uninstall cmccore.exe

To remove cmccore.exe from your computer do the following steps one by one. This will uninstall cmccore.exe if it was part of the software installed on your computer.

  1. If the file is part of a software program, then it will also have an uninstall program. Then you can run the Uninstaller located at directory like C:Program Files>CMC Information Security>CMC Antivirus >CMC Internet Security Core> cmccore.exe_uninstall.exe.
  2. Or the cmccore.exe was installed using the Windows Installer then to uninstall it Go to System Settings and open Add Or Remove Programs Option.
  3. Then Search for cmccore.exe or the software name CMC Antivirus in the search bar or try out the developer name CMC Information Security.
  4. Then click on it and select the Uninstall Program option to remove cmccore.exe file from your computer. Now the software CMC Antivirus program along with the file cmccore.exe will be removed from your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop cmccore.exe process?

In order to stop the cmccore.exe process from running you either have to uninstall the program associated with the file or if it’s a virus or malware, remove it using a Malware and Virus removal tool.

Is cmccore.exe a Virus or Malware?

As per the information we have the cmccore.exe . But a good file might be infected with malware or a virus to disguise itself.

Is cmccore.exe causing High Disk Usage?

You can find this by opening the Task Manager application (Right-click on Windows Taskbar and choose Task Manager) and clicking on the Disk option at the top to sort and find out the disk usage of cmccore.exe.

Is cmccore.exe causing High CPU Usage?

You can find this by opening the Task Manager application and finding the exe process and checking the CPU usage percentage.

How to check GPU Usage of cmccore.exe?

To check cmccore.exe GPU usage. Open the Task Manager window and look for the cmccore.exe process in the name column and check the GPU usage column.

I hope you were able to learn more about the cmccore.exe file and how to remove it. Also, share this article on social media if you find it helpful.

Let us know in the comments below if you face any other cmccore.exe related issues.

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