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How To Scan QR Codes on HTC Desire 626s

Scanning QR Codes is important nowadays with the increasing use of QR codes at every places. QR Code scan on HTC Desire 626s smartphone is easy and only takes a few simple steps.

Phone name: HTC Desire 626s

Nowadays QR Codes are being used in many places for product related info or for a link to a website. Let’s learn how to scan QR Code using your HTC Desire 626s Device running HTC UI Android versions.

How to Scan QR Code on HTC Desire 626s

  1. Open your Google Play Store App on your HTC Desire 626s.
  2. Search for QR Code scanner and find the QR Code and Barcode Scanner (no ads) app and install it or go to this link on your computer.
  3. Now open QR Scanner and barcode scanner app on your mobile.
  4. Click on Scan using Camera option and select Allow while using the app option to scan the QR code image. Click on open to open website link.

If your phone is updated to the latest Android 11 and Android 12 HTC Phones follow the below steps

  1. Open the HTC Camera App or QR Scanner App camera on your HTC Desire 626s.
  2. Now click on the Settings icon on the top left of the app.
  3. In the Camera setting menu under the Intelligent features options, you will find the “Scan QR Codes” Option.
  4. Now enable this option to turn on QR Code scanning by tapping on the toggle.

How to Use QR Code Scanner on HTC Desire 626s

After the QR Code Scanner app is installed on HTC Desire 626s, Open the Scanner camera App and point your camera to the QR Code you want to read and the camera will display the result as a Website URL or necessary information from the QR code.

Scan QR Code using Notification Toggle on HTC Desire 626s

  1. Open your Notification panel on your HTC Desire 626s.
  2. Now find the Scan QR Code toggle if it’s already present on the Quick Toggle window.
  3. If the toggle is not present, then click on the edit toggle option and find and add the Scan QR Code option and click on done button.
  4. Now click on the QR code scanner toggle like in the screenshot below for scanning QR code using your camera.

For older HTC Phones

For older HTC phones which are running older version of android these inbuilt QR scanner may not be available so check out these QR code scanner apps on the Google play store and install one of them. After installing use the app to scan the QR code on your HTC Desire 626s.

I hope you were able to scan a QR code on HTC Desire 626s using our tutorial. Also, don’t forget to leave your valuable comments below.

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