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How To Timestamp A YouTube Video In Comments [2020]

Sometimes when you want to reference a particular time on the Youtube video on your comments you can use this Timestamp feature so that any people reading the comment can go to that particular time of the video by clicking on your YouTube timestamp link.

Timestamping of Youtube Video also makes it easy for viewers to switch to a section in the video that they are interested in easily. Let’s learn how you can do this.

How to Time Stamp YouTube Video in Comments

  1. Watch the youtube video till the time where you wanted to timestamp and type in the exact minutes and seconds in the format displayed in the video timeline in the format min:sec where min is minutes and sec refers to the seconds.
  2. Press enter and the time will be automatically converted into a timestamp with a link exactly to the location of the time that you were watching.
  3. Now your youtube timestamp is added to the youtube comments section. When a person clicks on it they will be taken exactly to that timestamp you have created.
  4. That’s it, you have successfully time-stamped a youtube video on the comments section of the video.

How To Share Youtube Video with Timestamp

  1. Right-click on the Youtube Video that you wanted to share.
  2. A menu will show up and now choose the Copy Video URL at the current time. This will copy the video URL with the timestamp.
  3. Paste the youtube video URL with the timestamp link on the comments section.
  4. Now when the URL is visited it will go to the particular timestamp when the video was shared.

Youtube TimeStamp Frequently Asked Questions

Did YouTube remove timestamps?

YouTube sometimes removes useful features for testing. The timestamp feature was helpful while sharing a particular video via the share button to share the particular part of the video. Though Youtube removed the feature it still works if you use the timestamp URL while sharing by adding “&t=X” to the end of the URL.

How To Timestamp Video on Youtube Mobile App?

1. Open the video that you wanted to timestamp on your Youtube mobile app.
2. Then in the comments, sections enter the exact minutes and seconds of the video in the format min:sec and press enter

Hope you were able to timestamp a Youtube video in your comments. Do let us know in the comments if it was helpful.

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