Phone name: Galaxy Tab A 7.0 (2016)

How To Change Wallpaper On Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0 (2016)
- To change the wallpaper on the lock screen and the homescreen on your Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0 (2016), go to the Settings Application by tapping the Settings app icon on the Home screen or by clicking on the settings gear icon on the notification panel.
- Now find the Wallpapers option and click on it and select the My Wallpapers option
- Now you will see all the different wallpapers that are available.
- In this select the wallpaper you like and tap on it. Set as Wallpaper popup will show a popup on the bottom .
- Select where you wanted to set that wallpaper like Home screen or Lock screen or both on Lock and Home screens.
- Now your desired wallpaper will be changed on your Samsung
To remove a wallpaper on your Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0 (2016), open the Settings app and Wallpaper option and choose the My wallpaper settings and remove the applied wallpaper by selecting the new wallpaper you wanted.
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