Check IMEI number on Verykool s5036 Apollo

IMEI number can be used for checking your device’s warranty and other information on your verykool s5036 Apollo. There are two methods to check it.

Check IMEI on verykool s5036 Apollo

Let’s learn the two methods to check the IMEI number on verykool s5036 Apollo.

Method 1: How to Check IMEI number on verykool s5036 Apollo

  1. Open the Settings app on your verykool s5036 Apollo.
  2. Then choose About Phone option and tap on the Status option.
  3. Then select the IMEI information to get the IMEI number of verykool s5036 Apollo.

Note: If your verykool s5036 Apollo device supports dual sim it will have two IMEI numbers assigned to each SIM slot.

Method 2: Check Verykool s5036 Apollo IMEI Serial Number With Dialer

  1. Open your Verykool Phone dialer app on verykool s5036 Apollo.
  2. Then type in *#06# to get the IMEI information.
  3. Then you can click on the IMEI number and hold to Copy the IMEI serial number.

Hope you were able to view and copy the IMEI number on your verykool s5036 Apollo device.

Also read other Tutorials for verykool s5036 Apollo here.

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