How to Encrypt Your Internet Traffic for Extra Security?

7 out of 10 users, when they are told about network encryption, think it is something for IT professionals. They are wrong, encrypting traffic is a publicly available feature that helps protect against data interception and leakage. Read more about traffic encryption and implementation features of this technology below.

Can encryption be cracked?

If you happen to use an outdated encrypted cipher with a small size (like 64 bits), then a typical brute-force attack could crack it. However, if you stick with modern ciphers, such as the AES standard or larger-sized keys (for example, 128 bits and above), your internet connection can remain secure. Experts believe that even if Tianhe-2, the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world, were to attempt cracking a message encrypted with AES-256, it would take approximately 9.63X1052 years to accomplish the task.

Why should you encrypt internet traffic?

There are several reasons why encrypting your traffic is important:

  • When your data is unencrypted, it’s vulnerable to interception by snoopers. This could include internet service providers (ISPs), government agencies, or even cybercriminals. They can easily view and access your traffic, just as if it were plain text.
  • Even if you’re not engaged in any illegal activities, someone might still track your online movements for other purposes.
  • Furthermore, ISPs may limit your bandwidth based on your online activities, such as streaming or gaming.
  • In addition, government agencies can monitor your browsing to see if you’re visiting restricted websites.
  • Given that data is a valuable commodity, there is always someone with an interest in your online activities. Encryption is thus one of the most dependable methods to protect your online privacy.

Ways to use traffic encryption

Although there are different ways to encrypt traffic, the most reliable of them is VPN. However, it requires additional steps and the use of special applications. If your task is to protect yourself as much as possible, then use this particular method, and the best representative VPN is VeePN. It has 256-bit military-grade encryption. You can also use it as an IP changer to spoof services and bypass geo-restrictions. You don’t have to choose whether to use a VPN to change location or to secure your traffic, this solution has it all.

1. Use of HTTPS

Web servers use the secure HTTPS protocol to communicate with websites. It employs TLS encryption methods and authenticates both parties involved, ensuring data integrity. However, not all websites utilize HTTPS by default (unless you enable it via browser settings or third-party apps). Additionally, third parties, like your internet service provider, can detect your visits to HTTPS websites. Nevertheless, they are unable to access the specific activities you engage in on those sites.

2. Use A VPN

Using a trustworthy virtual private network (VPN) is the most effective method to encrypt your online traffic. A VPN employs advanced algorithms to encrypt all of your online activity and masks your virtual location. You can browse with enhanced safety and privacy.

The abundance of VPNs can be confusing and the truth is that many of them are dangerous. Some have been seen passing user data to law enforcement. There are also free services that sell data to companies, which then use it to set up ads, etc.

Additionally, a VPN replaces your IP address with one provided by the VPN server. A VPN protects against unsecured WiFi connections, hackers, advertisers, and anyone attempting to intercept sensitive information. Moreover, it has many forms of distribution, for example, you can select the VPN extension for Edge browser and encrypt only traffic in this browser. Another option is to install a VPN on your router and secure all connected devices. Everyone chooses their own option.

3. Use WPA2 encryption

The Wi-Fi router has built-in encryption. Moreover, even the most budgeted router comes with it, but encryption is not always active from the factory. Sometimes you even need to reflash the router to activate a more reliable encryption technology. At least basic WPA and WPA2 are present everywhere. Ideally – it is better to use WPA3. We recommend that you abandon the outdated WPA and WEP, as they will be of little use.

In 95% of router models, the principle of operation is the same for all devices. Initially, you need to log into the admin panel of the router. You can find all the clues you need on the sticker at the bottom of the case. In the “Security” section, you can select the encryption standard. You should also make sure that the password for accessing the admin panel is hackable enough.


Encryption is what will protect your data. If they are transmitted in an unprotected form, it is only a matter of time before someone covets them. But fear not, there are enough ways to enable encryption that you don’t need to be an IT professional to use them.

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