Fix There are currently no power options available Error (Windows 10)

Sometimes when you are about to shutdown or restart your Windows computer, you will see the error “There are currently no power options available” message instead and the you won’t be able to power off or restart your computer. Sometimes the power button will not be shown in the Windows menu. This issue occurs due to power menu having a bug.

Let’s learn why this error occurs and how to fix these Power options issue.

Why this There are currently no power options available Error Occurs?

This power options error might happen in your windows computer due to the following reasons.

  1. Windows Registry is corrupted.
  2. User Role permissions don’t have the rights to access power menu.
  3. Start menu has a glitch.
  4. An unwanted app might be causing the Power menu issue.

How To Fix there are currently no power options available Error

Run the Windows Power Troubleshoot Option

To run the Power Troubleshooting in windows 10 follow the below steps.

1. Open the Settings app on your Windows 10 computer.

2. Search for troubleshoot option and open the troubleshoot window

3. Click on the Additional Troubleshooters option if you don’t see a list of troubleshoot options along with the power option. (On new Windows 10 builds these are hidden inside the Additional Troubleshooters option)

4. Now find and click on the Power option under fix other issues and select the Run the troubleshooter button

5. Now the Power troubleshooter will run and any issues with the power will be found and fixed.

6. Now restart your computer by using the physical restart button on your CPU. Now the power and restart options will be working again on the start menu.

TIP: If you are facing System related issues on Windows like registry errors or System files being deleted by virus or System crashes like us, we recommend downloading Restoro software which scans your Windows PC for any issues and fixes them within a few steps.

If you are still facing the issue follow the next method of using registry editor.

Fix The Local Security Policy

1. Open the Local Security Policy window by using the run command ( Win key + r) and type in secpol.msc and hit the enter button.

2. Now select Local Policies and choose the User Rights Assignment option.

3. Now search for Shut down the system policy and right click on it and select the Properties option.

4. On the Local Security Setting tab make sure the user you are using is added to the list by clicking on the Add User or Group option. You can find your Username and group by going to your Accounts page ( Your Info )on the Windows 10 Settings app. Here mine is a Local Account in the Administrator group.

5. After adding the user or group, click on Apply button and restart your computer.

6. Now the power menu options will be available for the user.

Do a System Restore

If the above methods din’t help fix the power options unavailable issue, then you can restore your computer to a restore point when the power options menu was working perfectly. To do a system restore.

  1. Open System Restore by searching on the Windows 10 search or open the run command and type in “rstrui” and hit enter.
  2. Select a Restore point and click on the Next option.
  3. Now your system will be restored to a point where the power menu issue is not there.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes the There are currently no power options available error in lockdown browser?

Sometimes lockdown browser may cause the There are currently no power options available error. This occurs due to usage rights of administrator being corrupted by the lockdown browser. So to fix this use the windows power troubleshooter option.

I hope you were able to solve the there are currently no power options available error with the help of our tutorial. Also, don’t forget to share this article and comment below.

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