How to Play multiple Video instances in VLC at once (Windows , MacOS)

Sometimes you wanted to play more than one video at a time on your windows 10 computer or a macOS MacBook or iMac.

This can be done with the use of multiple instance feature of VLC media player.

You can do this easily on macOS and windows system with the help of our step-by-step tutorial below.

How to Play multiple instances of VLC in Windows

Let’s learn how to play multiple Videos at once in VLC media player in windows computer.

Step 1: Download and Open the VLC media player application on your Windows computer.

Step 2: Open the first video with VLC media player. It will play in a VLC window player instance.

Step 3: By default opening the second video and the second video will play in the same VLC instance. So you cannot play two videos at the same time with this setup.

Step 4: To change this settings, Go to Tools > Interface option.

Step 5: Inside the Interface option, Choose the Playlist and instances option. Now uncheck the tick box in “Allow only one instance” option.

Step 6: Next you have to also uncheck the “Use only one instance when started from file manager” option. Now after this is done click on the save button.

Step 7: Now open the second video in VLC media player.Now you can play more than one video with VLC player at the same time.

Step 8: That’s it. You have successfully played two or more videos at the same time with the use of VLC media player.

How To Run multiple videos at once in MacOS

For running multiple videos at once in VLC in macOS you will have to paste a code and run it when starting the VLC application to enable more than one instance of VLC to play on your mac.

1. Open script editor on your macOS machine. Start by opening Spotlight search bar and type in Script editor to open it.

2. Now create a new document on your desktop.

3. Here is the code below you have to copy and paste in new Apple Script Editor document window and save it and run it.

on run
    do shell script "open -n /Applications/"
    tell application "VLC" to activate
end run

on open theFiles
    repeat with theFile in theFiles
        do shell script "open -na /Applications/ " & quote & (POSIX path of theFile) & quote
    end repeat
    tell application "VLC" to activate
end open

4. Now choose the File > Save option and name the file as VLC multiple.

5. Now whenever you wanted to open as many VLC videos or instances just run the script saved on your desktop or open the document and click on the run button. This will open new VLC instance on every run.

6. Here in the screenshot below you can see i have opened two VLC player window by running this script.

7. Now drag and drop the video you wanted to run onto the VLC instance.

8. That’s it. You can play as many videos simultaneously as you want with the help of this script.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can VLC play two videos at once in Windows 10?

Yes VLC can play two different videos at the same time in Windows 10 operating system.

Can you play two videos at once in macOS ?

Yes you can play two different videos at the same time in macOS operating system with the use of VLC media player.

I hope you were able to play multiple videos at the same time in windows computer and macOS computers with the help of VLC media player multiple instances feature.

Do share this tutorial with your friends and also don’t forget to comment below.

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