VICE – Play Old Commodore 64 Games in Windows 10, Mac

Commodore 64 also known as C64 was a game-changing console at the time it was released. People like to play those old games have no access to get a Commodore in good condition. So with the help of the VICE emulator, we can play these Commodore 64 games. This emulator is also known as the c64 emulator.

VICE is an Open Source Emulator developed by the VICE Team under GNU GPLv2 License. This Emulator will enable to play Commodore 64 games.

How to Download and Install VICE on Windows 10, Windows 12 and MacOS

1. Go to the VICE Emulator website which is

2. Then scroll down and find the download VICE section. Under this download the version compatible with your Operating system such as C64 Emulator for Windows or C64 emulator for macOS which will be named as Vice-gtk-version number, here the version number is 3-3.4 on the file.

3. Make sure you download the correct Vice-gtk file and extract it. There are also binary versions available for MSDOS and Android operating system as well.

4. After downloading it install it on your macOS or Windows Operating System.

5. For macOS, you have to Drag and drop the Vice-gtk3-3.4 folder to the Applications folder.

6. Open the emulator by click on the VICE file inside the Vice gtk folder.

7. Now Please Select the emulator to run. Here choose the default x64sc and click on the Ok button.

8. Now the c64 emulator will launch on your mac or PC like the screenshot below.

9. Now you will be able to play all the supported Commodore 64 games using this emulator on your PC.

Hope you were able to make the emulator work successfully. Also, leave your comments below if you are facing any issues with the Commodore 64 emulator.

WINDOWS PRO TIP: If you are facing System related issues on Windows like registry errors or System files being deleted by viruses or System crashes like us, we recommend downloading Restoro software which scans your Windows PC for any issues and fixes them within a few minutes.

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