Play Amazon Prime Video in Picture in Picture (PIP) Window

Do you like to play Amazon Prime Video in a floating video on top of chrome while you work on typing an article like me or browse other websites. It can be done with a simple trick.

Watch Amazon Prime Video On Chrome Browser in Windows or Mac

1. Make sure you are updated to the latest version of chrome on your Windows or Mac computer.

2. Now Go to and login to your account.

3. Now select the video that you wanted to watch and play it.

4. Now on the top right corner you will see a now playing icon with a music symbol.

5. Click on it. Now it will show all the media that is playing or paused on your browser. Now click on the Enter Picture-in-picture icon right next to the video that you wanted to watch in PIP.

6. Now the video will be resized and it will play in the PIP window on top of chrome and other windows apps.

Watch Amazon Prime Video On Chrome Browser in Safari on Mac

If you are not using chrome as your Primary browser then you can use Safari to watch video on in a PIP window. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open on your safari browser.
  2. Now play the TV show or movie you wanted to watch in PIP in safari.
  3. Now click on the PIP icon or right click and select Picture in picture.
  4. Now your video will play in a resizable picture in picture window floating on top of safari.
  5. Do note that it doesn’t work on full screen mac applications.
  6. You can resize safari Picture in picture window by clicking and dragging the edges of the PIP window.

I hope you were able to enable the PIP player to watch Amazon Prime video on your chrome or safari browser.

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