How To Read Comments On Twitter

Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world. Even Elon musk uses it to communicate with his fans and customers.

You can send a tweet to anyone directly. But using Twitter might sometimes be confusing especially if you wanted to see the comments of a particular tweet. I mean it’s hard to find the real twitter comments for a particular tweet.

Why we cannot see Twitter Comments easily?

Basically you would think that you can view the comments on twitter by simply clicking on the Chat icon but it will only show a window to leave your comments instead of showing you the comments. Don’t worry we will learn how you can view your comments below.

Many people think that Twitter comments can be shown by click on the Chat bubble icon. But they are not the original tweet comments. So you can only view replies to your tweets by clicking on the chat button icon as shown in the screenshot below.

How To View Comments On Twitter

Follow the below steps to view twitter comments easily on your tweets and other people’s tweets.

  1. Click on the timestamp of the tweet that you wanted to view the comments for.
  2. Then Scroll down below the tweet to view the comments for that particular tweet.
  3. Here you can read or view all the comments for that tweet.
  4. These are the real comments for those tweets.

This tutorial works for Twitter android and ios app as well as on desktop browsers.

When people retweet your tweet with comments those comments cannot be found easily either.

To see these retweets you have to right-click on the Tweet timestamp and copy the link address.

Then paste the link on the Twitter search bar and hit enter or press on the search icon to see all the retweets for the particular tweet.

Twitter Comments FAQs

How to read Twitter comments without an account?

You can read Twitter comments without an account or logging into Twitter. To do this simply visit and search for a topic you wanted to read tweets about. Only protected tweets need a Twitter account to read. Now click on the timestamp of the tweet to see the Twitter comments.

How To See replies on Twitter App?

Open your Twitter Android or iOS app. Now click on the tweet for which you wanted to see the replies.

Hope you liked out tutorial. Do comment below if you have any other questions regarding using twitter.

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