Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Mi 10i 5G

Remove Preinstalled Bloatware Apps on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Xiaomi phones are renowned for their impressive features and affordable prices. However, like many other smartphone manufacturers, Xiaomi also includes bloatware in your Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G , which are pre-installed applications such as Opera, Netflix, etc. that might not be useful to everyone. These apps can take up valuable storage space, consume system resources, […]

Mi 10i 5G

How To Scan QR Codes on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Scanning QR Codes on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G device is easy and only takes a few simple steps.Xiaomi smartphones running Xiaomi’s MIUI provide various methods for scanning a QR code. Phone name: Mi 10i 5G   Nowadays QR Codes are being used in many places for displaying product-related information or for going to a website

Mi 10i 5G

Turn Off Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Do you want to know how to Turn Off Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G? The Automatic Wallpaper Carousal Lockscreen Slider can be annoying sometimes because it shows a wallpaper with a story every time automatically when you see the lock screen. Let’s learn how to disable The Automatic changing Wallpaper slider

Mi 10i 5G

Enable or Disable Always-On Display on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Do you want to know how to enable or disable the Always-On Display feature on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G? With the latest release of Xiaomi MIUI 12, MIUI 12.5, there is an Always-On Display option to show a graphic along with time and other notification info on the Amoled (OLED) screen when your phone is

Mi 10i 5G

Enable Floating Window App on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G

Do you want to know how to Enable Floating App Window feature on Xiaomi Mi 10i 5G? With the latest release of Xiaomi MIUI 12, MIUI 12.5, there is an Floating Window option to open an App in a floating screen that floats on top of all other apps. So you can use a floating

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